About Sue

The tools of the treatment are the hands of the therapist.


Using traditional with holistic therapies I have successfully treated children and adults with:

ADD/ADHD Lymphedema
Chronic Pain Migraines and Headaches
Chronic Ear Infections Neck and Back Pain
Concussions Neurological Problems
Craniofacial problems Orthopedic problems
Depression and Anxiety Prenatal and Postpartum problems
Digestive Problems Including IBS and Acid Reflux Sports Injuries
Edema (Chronic and acute) Stress Related Problems
Fibromyalgia TMJ (Jaw problems)
Issues Related to Autism Vertigo


About Me

Growing up in the North East Kingdom of Vermont, the second of five children, I learned that a simple life filled with love, caring and hours playing outside gave me joy, peace, connection to nature and the world around me. Now I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, gardening, skiing, hiking, cooking, daily exercise and spiritual practice. Through the years of navigating school and friendships, sharing life in marriage with my husband (over 30 years), raising my 2 children, and growing to accept all of me in any moment, I realize life is filled with both ups and downs. It is through our struggles that we are given the opportunity to gain new insights about ourselves and grow. This in the end brings us more love, joy, peace, self-acceptance, and more connection in our lives. 

As a Physical Therapist of over 35 years, working in many different settings and with all ages, I have discovered my true passion lies in alternative therapies which incorporate you as a whole person, all your parts affecting other parts, including your mind, body and spirit. As a life-long learner, I continue to learn and incorporate the best cutting edge innovative therapies in treatment sessions to assist you in your journey of healing. At times this may be more structural work with your body and other times you may experience more emotional or spiritual healing. I continue to do my own personal work to be at my best for you with love, concern and empathy. I strive, as a facilitator of your healing, to assist you in lasting balance and wellbeing using these noninvasive treatment techniques. I would be honored to hold space for you with love, nurturing, safety, nonjudgement and my full presence. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How is a treatment session performed?

In a quiet, private setting in a home office the treatment is performed with you fully clothed lying down on a treatment table. Treatments can also be done sitting or in a reclined position if preferred. The therapist stands or sits, positioned at either your feet, head or middle torso throughout the treatment. The therapist’s hands will gently rest on various places on your body, changing locations as the tissues are released and balanced.

What may I experience during a session?

Experiences are very individual and can vary from one session to another. At times you may feel very relaxed and may even fall asleep, whereas other times you may talk a lot, recall past memories or express emotions. You may stay very still and hardly feel anything or you may experience all different kinds of sensations in your body during the treatment. Always know that you have full control over your treatment; this is a partnership between you, the wisdom of your body and the therapist who is the facilitator.

How many treatment sessions will I need?

The number of sessions needed varies widely from one person to another as we are all unique individuals. It could be one session or 3 or more over the course of several weeks or months. You may find that after your acute symptoms resolve you also feel a sense of overall improved well-being and you choose to continue sessions every month or so for preventative health.

What may I experience after a session??

The immediate results after a session can vary greatly. You may feel very relaxed and even feel sleepy or you could feel more energized. Symptoms, like pain for example, may be reduced or alleviated completely right after a session or symptoms may change over several days. This therapy helps your body heal naturally and therefore it is common to experience improvements over several weeks or months. Over the next 24-48 hours after a session your body and nervous system is reprocessing and reorganizing and so occasionally you may feel a little unsettled for a day or so after the session. If you have any concerns they can always be addressed with the therapist.

"I went to see Sue Jones for a back problem and didn't know anything about CST but she was highly recommended so I willingly went for my first treatment. Instantly, I had a connection with her and felt very clearly that I was meant to be working with her. The journey she has and still is guiding me thru is amazing and has brought me so much awareness of my body and the powers of inner healing. I firmly believe she is a natural and nurturing healer. Sue effectively blends together the methods of conventional PT and Cranial Sacral Therapy that will no doubt continue to help others that are fortunate enough to work with her."

KC., Stowe, MA

"I was suffering from back spasms and while heat treatment had reduced the pain, I still wasn’t “right.” Sue’s cranial sacral treatment was new to me but she was careful to explain the approach and its benefits. My experience was terrific. Sue’s very light touch to facilitate body rebalancing and cranial-sacral fluid flow was, while not massage, still extremely relaxing. I experienced some light body tremors (back and neck), which Sue explained is normal and the result of good “unwinding” going on in my body. My back improved but, more holistically, so did my body. I look forward to my visits!"

T.A., Wellesley, MA

"After years of failed attempts to alleviate my head and neck aches with traditional physical therapy and medications – Sue helped me get control of the pain, and gave me the tools to keep it at bay."

P.L., Marlborough, MA

"After being diagnosed with neuropathic pain in my mouth and given little hope for resolution, I sought treatment from Sue Jones. She assured me that I would get better, that my body had the power to heal itself and not to be discouraged. I put my faith in her and have not been disappointed! Her multi-faceted, individualized approach to healing the body is unique-nothing I had experienced with traditional health care! She approached me as a person with a body, mind and spirit—all needing to be considered for true healing to occur. I have had dramatic relief of my mouth pain and feel so fortunate to be in such gentle, caring, knowledgeable, effective hands! I wish everyone had access to such therapeutic care!"

P.A. Wellesley, MA

"This has been the best therapy I have ever found. The Craniosacral Therapy has addressed my chronic neck and shoulder pain by getting to the root cause. Sue is so caring as she listens and works with me. After my session, my body is relaxed with more energy and much better movement. I look forward to each session knowing how I’ll feel afterward. I highly recommend!"

DL, Hudson, MA

"Cranio-sacral therapy has become a major factor in our autistic daughter's well-being. Over several years Sue has given her therapy sessions on average every other week. Our daughter has grown from being anxious about someone touching her to being totally trusting when she comes to Sue's house for a session. She now eagerly awaits a session and is calmed greatly by an hour of Sue's tender and quiet touching. The value of this therapy lies mostly in the skill of the practitioner. Sue has become exceptionally skilled - her touch, her voice, her gaze, and the order and peace of the room make an hour under her care an oasis in an otherwise harsh and sometimes scary world."

GM. Concord, MA

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Open Hours

Monday 8-5pm
Tuesday 8-5pm
Wednesday 8-5pm
Thursday 8-5pm

Available weekdays.

You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.

C.S. Lewis


Located in Sudbury, MA