
Just for today: I will give thanks for my many blessings.
Just for today: I will not worry.
Just for today: I will not be angry.
Just for today: I will do my work honestly.
Just for today: I will be kind to my neighbor and every living thing.
-The 5 Reiki Principles

Long Distance Healing

Brain Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy

Lymph Drainage Therapy

Sound Therapy and Acutonics

Myofascial Release


SomatoEmotional Release

Brain Therapy

A gentle hands-on therapy integrating the work of Dr. Bruno Chikly, Doctor of Osteopathy, Dr. John Upledger, Doctor of Osteopathy and Tad Wanveer, LMBT, CST-D. Using a very gentle touch this therapy works to free restrictions in and around your brain and spinal cord which may have occurred during development, from physical or emotional traumas or from the stresses of everyday life. This supports your nervous system in regaining better balance which then allows for improved function. By using a noninvasive presence and touch, the therapist honors the body’s own wisdom of healing, creating lasting change.

This therapy has been effective in relieving the symptoms of many problems including closed head injuries/concussions, whiplash, headaches, dyslexia, cerebral palsy, cognitive behavioral dysfunctions, learning exceptionalities, ADD/ADHD, post-meningitis syndrome, dementia, short and long-term memory issues, post-polio syndrome, PTSD, birth difficulties or trauma, and feeding difficulties.​

Benefits of Brain Therapy include:

Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle, light-touch therapy developed by Dr. John E. Upledger, Doctor of Osteopathy, to release tensions deep in your body. The craniosacral system is comprised of the soft tissues and fluids that protect your brain and spinal cord which make up your central nervous system, our own personal engines.  By relieving tensions in this system, it allows your entire being to relax and balance which can improve overall health and performance, reduce pain and stress and strengthen your resistance to disease. Craniosacral Therapy is beneficial for people of all ages from babies to adults.

Benefits of Craniosacral Therapy include:

Lymph Drainage Therapy

Lymph Drainage Therapy, developed by Bruno Chikly, MD, DO, is an innovative gentle hands on therapy to aide in circulation and, if needed, assist the body in finding alternative pathways for draining stagnant body fluids. This stimulates the functioning of the immune system and promotes a state of relaxation and wellbeing. By improving the flow of the lymphatic fluid through lymph drainage therapy, in partnership with your own innate wisdom, you can heal from diseases and imbalances in your body creating lasting change.


Benefits of Lymph Drainage include:

Myofascial Release

Myofascial Release is a gentle touch therapy which connects into the fascia and allows it to unwind and release to improve flexibility, hydration and movement of this tissue.

Fascia is a thin, tough, three-dimensional connective tissue that is throughout our body. It is one continuous sheet wrapping around muscles, bones, nerves, blood vessels and organs. Trauma, poor postures or inflammation can create a binding down of this fascia, resulting in excessive pressure on the structures around the fascial restrictions and ultimately pain and/or dysfunction. This fascia also connects into the covering over the brain and spinal cord and therefore can have an effect on how well our nervous system functions.



An ancient form of healing which uses life force energy found everywhere in the universe including in and around people, animals, and plants. By drawing on this universal energy your physical, emotional and mental well-being can be restored. Reiki uses gentle hands-on, off body, and visualization techniques to improve the flow of life energy in and around us. It opens the door to Mindfulness, Intuition, Compassion and Gratitude.


Benefits of Reiki include:

SomatoEmotional Release

A therapeutic process that can spontaneously occur during Craniosacral Therapy in which the mind and body release residual effects of trauma.

Our tissues and cells hold on to all of our past experiences including the memories we do not remember. We refer to this as Tissue Memory. At times the physical tissue releases past memories and suppressed emotions as well as structural imbalances and stuck energies in the body. The therapist is the facilitator and in a safe neutral nonjudgemental environment supports and facilitates the client’s individual process of self healing allowing them to have full control over the experience. This can have a profound effect on improving health and wellness.​


Benefits of SomatoEmotional Release include:

Sound Therapy and Acutonics

A noninvasive gentle therapy in which precision calibrated tuning forks are applied on or over specific acupuncture points to access the body’s chakra and meridian energy systems. The principles are based in Oriental medicine. The sound and vibration of the tuning forks travel down into the body allowing for physical and emotional healing.


Benefits of Acutonics include:

Long Distance Healing

Long Distance Healing was developed by Suzanne Scurlock, CST-D. It is a powerful therapy offered over the phone or by Zoom to facilitate healing and improve wellbeing. With the support of a trained therapist you are taught to listen to and connect with your own subtle cues that your body, mind and spirit are informing you. The therapist will connect with you through a deep energetic presence and will assist you in connecting with your own internal wisdom to guide you through a healing process



Benefits of Long Distance Healing include:

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Open Hours

Monday 8-5pm
Tuesday 8-5pm
Wednesday 8-5pm
Thursday 8-5pm

Available weekdays.

As your level of trust increases, the voices that guide you can speak more softly.

John E Upledger, D.O., O.M.M.

Co-founder of Upledger Institute International, Inc.

Located in Sudbury, MA